Third Coast Auto Group Official Blog
Do you know what to do after you’ve changed a flat tire?
By Product Expert | Posted in FAQs on Wednesday, January 6th, 2021 at 1:45 am
How long can I drive on a spare tire?
When was the last time you thought about your tires? If things are going well, you probably don’t give them a second thought, much less a first. In fact, most people won’t know something is wrong with their tires until they experience a blowout and need to have a spare put on their vehicle. Naturally, this leads to the question, ‘How long can I drive on a spare tire?’ The roadside assistance experts at AAA say that most vehicles should follow the long-standing standard: 50/50 rule. A vehicle equipped with a donut-style spare tire should travel no more than 50 miles, no faster than 50 miles per hour. As its name implies, a spare tire isn’t a permanent solution. Here are a few things you should know about using a spare tire.
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Do I need to drive differently with a spare tire?
As we’ve said before, a spare tire is only a temporary solution. Once it is properly installed, you will need to take care driving to have the regular tire repaired or replaced. To make the spare easier to use, it is going to be smaller than a full-size tire. This could change the way a vehicle handles or comes to a stop. If the roads are wet from rain or other precipitation, even more care should be taken when you’re driving on a spare tire.
This means taking things slower, giving yourself more space in traffic and steadily applied pressure on the brake pedal when the vehicle needs to stop.
What if I’ve used a fix-a-flat product?
In the interest of saving weight and for other reasons, some vehicles may not be equipped with a spare tire. This is ok, because a can of a fix-a-flat is a very handy alternative. Going this route might make thing easier to get back on the road after experiencing a flat tire, but there is a major trade off. Using a can of fix-a-flat sealant will have a reduced usable range of two to four miles, based on the industry average. The tire will need to be repaired or replaced as soon as possible. Be sure to let the people working on your tire know that a can of fix-a-flat was used.
If you ever have questions about how to get the most out of our vehicle, make an appointment with a Third Coast Auto Group product expert today.