Archive for the ‘Tips and Tricks’ Category

What to Know about Fluid in Your Vehicle?

Friday, October 7th, 2022
Man near a car that is overheated

How to Check the Fluid in Your Vehicle?

Your car is your asset. It needs maintenance. Fluid check is one of the essential parts of them. Once you know how to check the fluid in your car, you are good to go, even if you face a breakdown in the car midway. To learn more details about fluid in your vehicle, read on the blog post by Third Coast Auto Group in Austin, TX.


How to Become a Good Driver

Monday, October 3rd, 2022
A happy family driving in a green car

What Makes a Good Driver?

Driving is a skill. It is an art. It needs constant practice and learning.  As a driver, you are responsible for the safety of the passengers and yourself. You have no business driving if you are not mindful and cautious. Even a tiny miss from your end can have a severe consequence. There is always scope for improvement in driving. Keep reading this blog by the Third Coast Auto Group dealership in Austin, TX, to learn how to become a good driver.


How to Drive Safely with a Baby in the Car

Wednesday, September 14th, 2022
Father is keeping his baby in the car seat.

Safety Tips to Take When Driving with a Baby in Your Vehicle

The day a baby enters your life, everything changes. You cannot just pack your bags, get in the car, and go for those impulsive road trips. It is no longer only about you. For every decision you take, you must first think about that tiny person who has entered your world. However, the fun should not end. If you follow some basic dos and don’ts, you can make your baby part of your adventurous escapades effortlessly. Keep reading this blog by the Third Coast Auto Group dealership in Austin, TX, to learn more about the safety tips when driving with a baby in your vehicle.


How Can You Make Your Car Buying Easier?

Thursday, September 1st, 2022
A woman fixing the mirror

Three Ways You Must Know to Make Car Buying Easier  

You are not alone if you have put off looking for a new car because previous car purchases have not been enjoyable. Many of us drive the same car for much longer than we might want to because of the numerous financial decisions that must be made, the pressure to buy a car before you leave a dealership, and occasionally the confusion of being passed from person to person. Although we have little direct control over many aspects of the car-buying process, there are things you can do to improve it. Keep reading the blog post by Third Coast Auto Group dealership in Austin, TX, to learn how you can make your car buying experience more accessible. 


Know 3 Things Teenage Drivers Should Know

Wednesday, August 17th, 2022
A happy family driving in a green car

What Are the 3 Things Teenage Drivers Should Know? 

When a teen obtains a driver’s license, it represents freedom and the allure of the open road. However, this newfound freedom brings many new situations and potential problems that most teen drivers have never encountered. It’s a good idea to go over these scenarios with new drivers in your family and talk about how to deal with them before they happen in real life. Keep reading the blog post by Third Coast Auto Group dealership in Austin, TX, to learn in detail about things teenage drivers should know.


Watch this How-to Video On the Hyundai Mechanical Key

Monday, August 8th, 2022
Lock and Unlock button on a car door.

How to Use the Hyundai Mechanical Key to Lock and Unlock Your Vehicle?

Hyundai vehicles have many advanced techniques to help their customers experience world-class driving. One such feature is the Hyundai Digital Key, which allows you to lock and unlock your Hyundai models with the help of a smartphone connected to your Hyundai account or a key fob. The latest Hyundai models do not have the conventional keyhole on their door handles, and it might be challenging to figure out how to lock or unlock one’s vehicle mechanically. At Third Coast Auto Group in Austin, TX, we have the manufacturer’s video showing how to lock and unlock Hyundai vehicles mechanically from their ‘Hyundai How-to’ series. Read on to find out more.


How to Prevent Car Sickness

Friday, August 5th, 2022
A lady in red is feeling nauseaus

Ways to Avoid Car Sickness

A lot of people are prone to car sickness. Even the mere thought of sitting in an air-conditioned car with closed windows makes them anxious. They feel dizzy, nauseous, and have headaches. No matter how nice of a vehicle you are riding on and the exotic places you are passing by, car sickness can suck all the joy out of your road trip. Instead of enjoying the scenery around, you end up chewing on ginger candies hoping to make the car sickness go away. Lucky are those who have never faced motion sickness. Keep reading this blog by the Third Coast Auto Group dealership in Austin, TX, to learn how to prevent car sickness.


How to Take Care of Your Car Properly

Monday, August 1st, 2022
A happy family driving in a green car

Ways to Take Good Care of Your Car

Owning a car feels magical. You can take it out for a ride anytime you want. Are you bored at night? Go for a long drive. Are you missing your friend? Take your car out to your friend’s house. Once you buy a car, it becomes your road buddy for a long time. However, we tend to take our loved possessions for granted. If you do not take proper care of your car, the car will not take care of you. It is a two-way street. To get the best out of your car, you must dedicate a few hours weekly to its maintenance. With good care and periodic service, your car will never disappoint you. Keep reading this blog by the Third Coast Auto Group dealership in Austin, TX, to learn more about how to take good care of your car.


How to Prevent Car Sickness?

Monday, July 11th, 2022
A happy family driving in a green car

Easy Ways to Prevent Car Sickness

Car sickness is a motion sickness one experiences while riding in an automobile. Dizziness, nausea, and fatigue are typical symptoms of car sickness. It can suck the fun out of driving and long road trips. It can be challenging to have a good time on the ride if you feel dizzy and nauseous. Fortunately for all of you, we are bringing a few reliable tips to prevent car sickness. Keep reading this blog by the Third Coast Auto Group dealership in Austin, TX, to learn more about it.


Electric Vehicles: The Future of Automobile Industry

Friday, July 1st, 2022
2022 Hyundai KONA Electric charging

Top 3 Reasons Why Consumers Are Inclined Towards Electric Vehicles

In the age of continuous fuel hikes along with the tremendous damage to the global ecological environment, there is one solution to all environmental problems, i.e, the New Energy Vehicles. Here are some major attributes for what consumers are inclined towards electric vehicles. Keep reading the blog post by Third Coast Auto Group in Austin, TX.
