Archive for the ‘Tips and Tricks’ Category

Learner, Provisional, and Full License Requirements in Texas

Monday, April 23rd, 2018
girl learning to drive in driver's ed

Finally getting your driver’s license can be a great feeling. Suddenly the road is open to you, and there are many more employment opportunities available when you can just drive to a location. But, before you can get a car, and hit the road, you need your license and have to learn the driving skills that will serve you the rest of your life. When can you start driving in Texas? We are going to answer this, and a few other common questions about teen driving laws in Texas in this blog. (more…)

Pros and cons of different large vs small wheels sizes

Thursday, April 12th, 2018
female mechanic with her face by a wheel (car on a lift)

While keeping your tires in good condition with regular rotation and rebalancing can be a good way to save money on repairs, the wheels you have on your vehicle may be having more of an impact than you know on how your vehicle is handling, consuming fuel, and impressing other drivers. In this blog we are going to check out the pros and cons of different wheel size and what is the best wheel for your vehicle?. Should you go larger or stick with small? (more…)

Can you tow a trailer with a small car?

Tuesday, April 10th, 2018
truck pulling a trailer through mountains

The vehicle that you want for daily commuting and the one you need for weekend adventuring are very different. On one side you want easy parking, excellent fuel efficiency, and maybe a nice sound system so you can blast your tunes or listen to podcasts while you are going to work. But when it comes to the weekend, you want large cargo space, maybe plenty of seating (maybe with a minivan or crossover) and probably the ability to tow a trailer. Can you tow a trailer with a small car? Or are you going to destroy your vehicle trying to get your boat out of the yard? (more…)

Have a keyfob or push button start? Check out these videos

Thursday, April 5th, 2018
person unlocking their vehicle with a keyfob

More and more modern vehicles are coming with cool locking, unlocking, and starting technology. While almost all new models come with keyfobs you can use to lock or unlock your car from across the parking lot, some designs now come with features like push button start, and keyfobs that will automatically unlock your vehicle when you get close to it. But what happens when human error meets advanced auto technology? We found three cool videos that address some common questions. (more…)

Spring car shows around Travis County

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018
classic American cars driving down the road

Easter is right around the corner, spring is in the air, which means that all the classic cars that were tucked away for the winter can come back out to play! Here in Austin, we are fortunate to not only have a thriving car community, but a few excellent auto shows and festivals of our own coming up. In this blog we are going to look at April 2018 Auto Shows around Austin TX to see where you can enjoy the best vintage and modern models. (more…)

What can wear down your car battery?

Thursday, March 22nd, 2018
person checking the charge of a battery of a car

Every part of a vehicle is important, from keeping the tires in good condition to even getting it washed once in a while. Your battery is instrumental in powering features like your sound system and air conditioning and, even more importantly, it’s what allows your car to start. There are warning signs for when your battery is running low, and ways of making your battery last as long as possible that can help you save a few bucks in the service department. In this blog we are going to look at what can wear down your car battery, and how to make it last. (more…)

Test Driving: Tips and Tricks

Monday, March 12th, 2018
girl smiling in a car holding the door open

One of the most important steps in the car buying process is the test drive. The test drive is the best place to find out if the vehicle is right for you. Also, seeing the car in person is a great way to see little things that might not show up in the CarFax or the advertisement photos. But what steps should you do when you test drive a car? (more…)

Get your tunes even without the latest infotainment system

Wednesday, March 7th, 2018
couple in a car staring lovingly into one another's eyes while on the road

How to play music in your car without Bluetooth

While new technology offers a lot of extremely cool touchscreen and infotainment features, if you have had an older vehicle or buy a used car you may not be able to take advantage of features like phone pairing or satellite radio. If you wondering how to play music in your car without Bluetooth, we have some tips and tricks that should work in any vehicle with a functioning sound system. (more…)

Maintain the Value of Your Car with These Seat Cleaning Tips

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018
person scrubbing the seat of a car, only the hand visible

When it comes to maintaining the value of your vehicle (or just being proud of the condition of your car), it can be important to regularly wash the outside of your vehicle, but the inside can be just as important. But what’s the best way to clean your seats? That depends on the kind of upholstery that you have. The best way to clean leather seats is very different from the best way to clean cloth seats, and both of those are also different from vinyl. (more…)

What’s the difference between a moonroof and a sunroof?

Friday, February 23rd, 2018
external and internal view of a Jeep sunroof, different models

Different automakers have different terms for a variety of features, and the industry and consumers don’t always have a consistent name for things. Which brings us to the classic sunroof. Or does your vehicle have a moonroof? And how big is a panoramic sunroof? We are going to explore “What’s the difference between a moonroof and a sunroof?” below as well as a few more of these questions. (more…)