Third Coast Auto Group Official Blog
Archive for the ‘Tips and Tricks’ Category
Can You Cook Food in Your Car?
Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018
Can you cook food in your car? It’s summer in Texas and it’s HOT. We’ve talked about how the interior temperature of a car can get hot enough to cook an egg, but did you know that you can branch out from breakfast food to dessert? In this post we are sharing a couple fun recipes, including a video on how to bake cookies in your car, and directions on how to make sweet tea in the sun. Do you have a wacky recipe for inside your car? Let us know in the comments! (more…)
Enjoy 4th of July fireworks safely (and legally!)
Monday, June 25th, 2018
The 4th of July is right around the corner, which means that ’tis the season to have fun with fireworks ranging from tiny firecrackers to big boomers. But what fireworks are legal in Austin TX? Be safe (and don’t get in trouble!) this year by choosing fireworks types that are okay to use even in the city. For larger displays, you will need a permit, have a space that would be safe for the fireworks to be set off, and have a professional doing your fireworks. Fortunately, there are plenty of small, fun things you can have that do not require a permit, and won’t get you a citation. (more…)
How does repossession affect your future car buying?
Friday, June 22nd, 2018
If you have had a vehicle repossessed, that can be bad news one way or another. Not only do you no longer have that vehicle, but because the vehicle is lost when payments aren’t made that information can make a big impact on your credit score. Can you get a car loan after a repossession? How long does that information affect your credit? Keep reading to find out. (more…)
When do you change to a front-facing car seat?
Monday, June 4th, 2018
We’ve talked before about car seat laws (specifically here in Texas) but in this blog we want to explore two types of car seat and when you should use them. Should you have a car seat front- or rear-facing? That depends on the age and size of your child. If you are looking at a specific car seat, you may want to look for the owner’s manual on that option for precise details. This blog is general information for the curious. (more…)
Summer car temperatures and cooking adventures
Thursday, May 31st, 2018
As it starts to get hot out there this spring and summer in the Austin TX area, you may be looking for ways to prepare your car for hot weather. Or maybe, when you are wincing every time you touch your steering wheel, you just want to know if it’s going to burn your hands. So, realistically, how hot can it get in your car in the summer in Texas? And can you actually cook an egg in there if you want to? (more…)
What tires should I get to replace my old ones?
Wednesday, May 16th, 2018
At a certain point your tires will wear out. While regular tire rotation and balancing can help extend the life of your tires, you will need new ones roughly every two to five years, depending on how much driving you do. If you are asking yourself “What tires should I get to replace my old ones?” there are a few things to keep in mind. (more…)
Can you sit on the hood of your car? What about the roof?
Wednesday, May 9th, 2018
Our vehicles are a huge part of life. We take them everywhere, they haul our stuff, and sometimes we use them to prop ourselves up. Most people have probably leaned against their vehicles, put a cup of coffee on the roof, and maybe thought about sitting on the hood when visiting with friends. But can you sit on the hood of your car? And can the roof take your weight? We think that the answer to both questions is: mostly yes. But there are some things to think about before you decide to throw away your lawn chair in favor of your Corolla. (more…)
How do you break in a new car engine?
Monday, May 7th, 2018
Even though the inventory we carry here at Third Coat Auto Group is all used vehicles (the better to offer Austin drivers affordable financing no matter their credit situation) we thought it would be fun to talk about one of the steps of getting a new car. No, not enjoying that new car smell! We wanted to write about how to break-in that new, shiny, and expensive piece of powerful equipment. But how do you break in a new car engine? Whether you have a compact or midsize car perfect for that daily commute, or are raring to get out on the track (or, you know, gun it on one of the 85 mph highways here in Texas) you should take it a little easy while your car is getting used to its job. (more…)
Texas speed limits (and why we should try to follow them)
Thursday, May 3rd, 2018
Sometimes when you are driving on the highway, it may seem like no one is following the posted speed limit. You may ask yourself why even try? However, in most areas the posted speed limit is set based on what is considered safe for drivers and pedestrians, when all factors are considered. In this blog, we are going to look at what is the maximum speed limit in Texas and explore a few other questions about how speed limits are chosen. (more…)
How often should you replace your brakes?
Monday, April 30th, 2018
Brakes are very important. While a broken timing belt may stop you dead on the highway, brakes that can’t do the job put you in danger every day. But how often should you replace your brakes? While your vehicle’s owner’s manual will give you a more customized idea of how often you should get your brake pads replaced (with the rotors needing to be replaced less often) usually you will need a pad replacement every 50,000 miles. That timing can be larger or smaller depending on what kind of brakes you have and how much you use them. (more…)