Archive for the ‘Tips and Tricks’ Category

Cut-your-own Christmas tree farms near Austin TX

Thursday, November 29th, 2018
Christmas trees at a farm

Winter has arrived, and it is a great time of the year to start up on the Christmas decorations and enjoy activities like ice skating. While you can get a Christmas tree at many pop-up lots and store parking lots in our area, there is another option: going out to a farm to cut your own tree. This can net you not only a great tree, but can also be a fun experience for the whole family. We’ve found a few cut-your-own Christmas tree farms near Austin TX and have little write-ups for each of them below. (more…)

Ways to tell that your tires need to be changed

Friday, November 16th, 2018
person pointing at tire tread indicators with their finger

We’ve written in the past about how often you need to rotate your tires, and even the difference between all-season tires, winter tires and summer tires, but in this blog we wanted to look at a basic question: when should you replace your tires? There are a few ways to tell that your tires need to be changed. If you notice a lot of slipping when you drive, that may be a red flag that your tires aren’t holding onto the road, but most other ways to check if your tires are okay go back to one thing: measuring your remaining tire tread. (more…)

What’s the difference between summer tires and all-season tires?

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
man and woman looking at the tread on a tire in a store

Winter tires vs summer tires vs all-season tires

We’ve talked before about the importance of getting quality tires of the right size when the tires on your current vehicle are up for replacement, but now that the seasons are changing we wanted to focus on a different question: do you need to put winter tires on your vehicle? Or for that matter, what’s the difference between summer tires and all-season tires? We’re going to look at winter tires vs summer tires vs all-season tires to see what actually separates these options. (more…)

Vehicle Identification Number: Where is it on your car and documentation?

Monday, November 12th, 2018
digital vehicle identification number at an angle on a dark background

The Vehicle Identification Number on your vehicle (known more commonly as the VIN) is a unique number for every vehicle in the United States. The VIN uses numbers and letters and contains a lot of information including the manufacturer, where the car was built, the model year, engine size and more. This unique identifier is required when you are filling out any paperwork involving  your car, like making a claim after an accident or selling the vehicle. But where can you find the VIN on your car? And what documents have it? (more…)

Window tinting on vehicles in Texas

Wednesday, November 7th, 2018
man putting tint on side window of car

Window tinting can serve many purposes. For some drivers it’s a way to reduce sun glare for driving comfort during the hot Texas summer, or to minimize a medical condition like migraines. For others, it looks cool and helps maintain more privacy. But is it legal to have tinted windows in Texas? (more…)

Do I need to make a police report in Austin TX?

Tuesday, October 30th, 2018
SUV and car in an accident

We’ve talked before about what to do if you see a car accident, but what about if you are in one? While you will probably want to call the police after a major car accident so that traffic can be stopped and people can be helped safely, what about after a tiny fender bender? When should you file a police report for a car accident? (more…)

Does Honda or Toyota Offer Better Standard Safety Features?

Wednesday, October 10th, 2018
Customer and salesman in a car

Many car manufacturers are offering ever better driver assistance features in their new vehicles. This technology can do everything from notify a driver that there is someone in their blind spot while they are driving on the highway, to stopping automatically if a pedestrian is detected in a crosswalk. Even better, more and more of these safety suites are coming standard on new vehicles. In this blog we are going to check out two heavy-hitters in the driver assistance market and pit Honda Sensing vs Toyota Safety Sense. While individual vehicles will offer different sets of features, we can share some general information about these two systems.


Do you need two license plates in Texas? Learn more about licenses here

Tuesday, October 2nd, 2018
old Texas license plate on a wall

In our blog about vehicle problems that are illegal to drive with in Texas, we mentioned that an unreadable license plate is something that can get you pulled over, but do you know the rest of the Texas license plate laws? Make sure you are driving legally, and with up-to-date registration by following these rules. (more…)

When and Where Should You Trick or Treat?

Monday, September 24th, 2018
children trick or treating, only legs visible

Fall is upon us and Halloween is right around the corner. Do you have your costume yet? While there is still time figure out how you and/or your family are going to dress for the day, it’s good to start planning ahead now. Where do you want to go? How can you stay visible when you go out? In this blog we are exploring some Austin TX trick-or-treat times 2018, some of the best places to go, and what to be aware of this Halloween. (more…)

Don’t want to get pulled over? Make sure your car is in good condition

Thursday, September 20th, 2018
car driving at night, bright headlights

What vehicle problems are illegal to drive with in Texas?

We’ve all been there: someone flashes their lights at you, or honks, and afterward you can’t tell if they are jerks, or trying to let you know that something is wrong with your vehicle. There are some things that a driver can’t notice easily, but that can get you pulled over and get you a ticket. What vehicle problems are illegal to drive with in Texas? Check it out below. (more…)