Archive for the ‘Tips and Tricks’ Category

How to repair a rust spot on your vehicle

Thursday, July 16th, 2020
person cleaning rust off a vehicle

Here at Third Coast Auto, we want to ensure you’re taking great care of the vehicles we sell you so that we see you a few years down the road still enjoying your ride. One way we do that is to share the occasional tips and tricks on how to keep your vehicle well maintained. One of those aspects you should consider is the rust that builds up. While this isn’t usually a catastrophic issue, it takes away from the appeal of your vehicle and can affect resale value. Take a look at the video below to learn how to repair a rust spot on your vehicle! (more…)

How to change a tire

Friday, July 10th, 2020
flat tire on a generic vehicle

If you’ve ever gotten a flat tire out on the open road, you know how frustrating it can be. You could be stuck for a long while out in the extreme cold or heat trying to figure out how to get it changed or wait for a roadside assistance service to come help you out. Many people find themselves stuck without the knowledge of how to fix it, but it’s actually a lot easier than it may seem. Take a look at the short video below to learn how to change a tire and be better prepared the next time this happens to you. Check out the rest of our blog for more tips and tricks! (more…)

Is my transmission going bad?

Tuesday, June 30th, 2020
A mechanic toils away on an old drivetrain.

How to tell if your transmission is going bad

Like any automotive-related failure, your transmission will give off some warning signs that it is failing or starting to go bad. The longer you wait to address the issue, the more damage you may incur and the more money you’ll have to spend to get it fixed. That being said, there are a few different signs that your transmission is going bad. Learn more below! (more…)

Tips to make your tires last longer

Friday, June 26th, 2020
man and woman looking at tires

How can I make my tires last longer?

If you’ve ever had to purchase new tires before, you probably already know that they can get pretty expensive. Tires can range in durability and quality, but regardless, a new set of tires might be a bit taxing on your wallet. With that in mind, it probably makes sense to do everything in your power to conserve them as long as possible. Check out some tips below for making your tires last longer! (more…)

How to change your cabin air filter

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020
man changing cabin air filter

Over the time you own your vehicle, you’ll undoubtedly have to bring it in every now and then for a service appointment. It’s a sad fact of life that putting on miles will cause your vehicle to go through a little wear and tear, so keeping it maintained and serviced correctly is essential. One service that will need to be done is replacing the cabin air filters. Fortunately, this is something you can do yourself and it only takes a few minutes. It’s not that expensive, but it can be an easy way to save a quick 30 or 40 bucks, depending on how much your auto shop charges. Take a look at how to change your cabin air filter below! (more…)

Compact sedans vs midsize sedans

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2020
generic silver sedan driving on the road in the summer

Should I drive a compact sedan or a midsize sedan?

Drivers seeking a new car must consider more than just the basics of interior amenities and style. There are multiple classes of cars, the two most common being compact sedans and midsize sedans. As the names suggest, compact sedans are smaller while midsize sedans are a little bigger. Take a look below at some of the differences between the two! (more…)

How to check your tire pressure

Monday, June 22nd, 2020
man checking tire pressure

Driving a vehicle on tires that are improperly inflated can cause some issues. You may experience poor fuel efficiency or poor traction, but those are the less serious issues. Improperly inflated tires can also cause uneven wear and could lead to you possibly blowing a tire. It’s best to check your tire pressure at least once or twice a month. If you’ve never done so before, now is a great time to start! Take a look at the video below to learn how to check your tire pressure. It’s quick and easy! (more…)

Why drive a vehicle under 100,000 miles?

Monday, June 22nd, 2020
View of multiple SUVs parked

Benefits of driving a low mileage pre-owned vehicle

Drivers often find that new vehicles aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. When you need to upgrade your current driving situation to something new, that doesn’t mean you must fork up a ton of money to get one. In fact, you can get a pre-owned vehicle with the same quality as a new vehicle for a much lower price. Take a look at the benefits of driving a low-mileage pre-owned vehicle here on our blog! (more…)

What are the best used cars for driving in Texas?

Tuesday, May 19th, 2020
Multiple used cars parked

When choosing a vehicle for use in the Lone Star state, it’s important to take into account the climate as well as the sheer size of the place. That size results in a variety of terrain throughout, much of which is untamed desert. What vehicles are best suited for taking on such an environ?


Can I switch to synthetic oil?

Wednesday, May 6th, 2020
Oil spills from a gray container and splashes along a white background.

Safely Changing Your Vehicle from Mineral to Synthetic Oil

“Oh no! I put synthetic oil in my engine and now my car exploded,” are words the average driver does not want to be in a position to utter. As a result, many drivers staunchly swear by using standard mineral oil in their rides, believing that a switch to synthetic could have some detrimental effect (though perhaps not one so dramatic as an explosion). Some have heard that switching from mineral to synthetic oil could cause an unpleasant shock to their vehicle’s system.

Are the fears of these drivers justified? Is it safe to start using synthetic oil in your vehicle if you haven’t done so before?
