Third Coast Auto Group Official Blog
Archive for the ‘Safety’ Category
What should I do to prevent heat stroke?
Tuesday, July 30th, 2019
Staying Cool in the Hot Sun
We’re going to go out on a limb here and say something crazy: it can get hot here in Austin. Yeah, we know- pretty groundbreaking statement, right? Well, thanks to our toasty climate, it’s important to know how to keep cool. After all, temperature-related issues like heat stroke can be deadly.
But that doesn’t mean you should spend all summer cooped up indoors with the AC blasted (although that strategy certainly has its place). Let’s look at some tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe when the temperatures climb up to sidewalk (or in-car) egg-frying levels.
(more…)When should I use stage 2 car seats?
Tuesday, June 25th, 2019
Car Seats: When to Move to the Next Stage
Car Seats for children are generally categorized into four different stages, with the fifth and final stage being the movement to a full-fledged adult vehicle seat. Most of us probably have a vague memory of the pride we felt as a kid when we finally got to sit without a car seat, and even moreso when we were allowed to sit up front next to the driver.
But long before that stage arrives, kids go through the car seat phases. When is the right time to move onto a stage two car seat?