Third Coast Auto Group Official Blog
Archive for the ‘FAQs’ Category
What Is Wrong With Your Car’s Air Conditioning
Friday, July 31st, 2020
How to Diagnose Car A/C Problems?
Cars can get awfully hot in the summer, and for many, rolling down the windows just isn’t enough. Vehicle air conditioning is the only thing that makes it bearable, but what happens when the A/C in your vehicle isn’t working.
(more…)Where can I get a car loan for bad or no credit around Texas?
Friday, July 31st, 2020
Bad/No Credit Car Loans at Third Coast Auto
A car is a major purchase that puts a significant dent in the budget for most customers. This typically requires you to finance a car, with loan payments spread out over multiple years. Unfortunately, car buyers with bad or no credit may struggle to find a dealership or lending institution that will offer a car loan.
Here at Third Coast Autos, we take the opposite approach. We take great pride in enabling car buyers throughout Texas to get behind the wheel of one of our high-quality used cars.
(more…)Find the value of your trade in vehicle online
Friday, July 31st, 2020
What is the value of your trade in vehicle?
If you plan on buying a vehicle, you may want to consider trading in your current vehicle for some extra cash. This is not required, but many drivers opt to do so rather than going through the process of selling the vehicle themselves, because that is a lot more involved. Selling your vehicle to a used car dealership will take less than one day, whereas selling it yourself may take weeks or months. Of course, how much money you can make on your used vehicle should be a factor in your decision. That’s why we let you check the value of your trade in vehicle right here on our website.
(more…)Does Texas have trade-in tax benefits on used vehicles?
Sunday, May 31st, 2020
Trade-In Tax Policy in the Lone Star State
Trading in your old vehicle when you buy a new ride at a dealership not only cuts money off the purchase price; it can also save you more by lowering taxes. Whether or not car buyers get incentives on used vehicles depends on state tax laws. What is the policy on trade-in tax discounts in Texas?
(more…)Can I switch to synthetic oil?
Wednesday, May 6th, 2020
Safely Changing Your Vehicle from Mineral to Synthetic Oil
“Oh no! I put synthetic oil in my engine and now my car exploded,” are words the average driver does not want to be in a position to utter. As a result, many drivers staunchly swear by using standard mineral oil in their rides, believing that a switch to synthetic could have some detrimental effect (though perhaps not one so dramatic as an explosion). Some have heard that switching from mineral to synthetic oil could cause an unpleasant shock to their vehicle’s system.
Are the fears of these drivers justified? Is it safe to start using synthetic oil in your vehicle if you haven’t done so before?
(more…)What qualifies as an essential service or activity in Texas?
Monday, April 6th, 2020
Essential Businesses, Services and Activities Allowed During COVID-19 Quarantine in Texas
With Governor Abbott recently extending and expanding his stay-at-home order, it’s been reinforced to Texas residents that they must suspend all but essential activities, while all but non-essential services are put on hold and non-essential businesses are forced to close. This still-recent but now omnipresent terminology has many Texans wondering: what constitutes an essential service, business or activity in the Lone Star state?
(more…)What is Texas doing to combat the coronavirus?
Saturday, April 4th, 2020
Government Orders in Texas to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
By now, nearly everyone has been made aware of COVID-19; it’s pretty much impossible to ignore. The novel coronavirus has impacted the daily lives of the majority of people not only in America, but in the world as a whole.
As citizens and governments alike have finally come to realize the virus is not going away any time soon, they have implemented various measures to slow its spread. What is Texas doing to combat the coronavirus?
(more…)What are the weirdest places in Austin, TX?
Friday, March 27th, 2020
Weirdest Places in Austin, TX
As a city known for its weirdness, many come to Austin eager to find some truly weird locales to check out. Whether you’re one of those curious visitors, or a longtime resident looking to get a new dose of the bizarre, we hope you’ll find some assistance with our list here compiled. Read on below to check out some of the strangest spots in our city of oddness.
(more…)What does the drivetrain do?
Sunday, March 22nd, 2020
Frequently-Asked Drivetrain Questions
If you’ve been exposed to car talk lately, you’ve likely heard the phrase “drivetrain” batted about. “But I’m driving a car,” you may have been thinking, “and not a train!” After you mistakenly uttered this sentence aloud and were subsequently berated by your car-savvy companions, you may have been left wondering: what is the drivetrain, and what does it do?
(more…)Is remote start bad?
Tuesday, March 17th, 2020
Ramifications of Remote Start on the Engine and Environment
Remote start is a trendy amenity among modern drivers. Many individuals get great pleasure from the convenience of the feature, finding it can make a big difference in time and comfort, especially on cold, icy days. Getting into a chilly vehicle is, after all, a grating pain of the sort not often found elsewhere in the modern developed world.
However, some voices of dissent have come to ruin the remote start party by arguing that the feature hurts the vehicle engine and/or the environment. Is there truth to these arguments? Is remote start bad?